Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Keeping an eye out

Sorry for the format of the last posts. As I begin to acquire more and more points of dissemination for ideas, thoughts and random things nobody cares to read, it's hard to keep up. In an effort to become more efficient I signed up for The premise is pretty simple: It allows you to craft one message and push it to all of your social pages (Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, LinkedIn, etc.). I have a similar app for my iPhone called TwitterFon and another called Twinkle. Of the two, Twinkle is pretty cool as it allows you to share Tweets with people who are by you geographically. the idea is intriguing but leaves a gap in terms of what you can say (not that this is all bad) as you have to account for Twitter limiations on your blog should you choose to push messaging to both. In my mind it also raises the question, "Is this how it should be?" By that I mean should your Tweets and Status be the same? Can one person be multiple people online or do we have to reflect real life? Of course I can't answer these questions, but the threat exists. What will happen when it gets too real and that potential client or boss finds your Tweet on 20-something co-eds cranking hard in Cabo right after your blogger link on identifying business growth areas through souble regressive analysis? Hmmm...

In other news, the gal pal and I adopted a dog last Sunday. He is an adorable cocker spaniel who was abandoned. With a little time and love I think we'll be able to make him a friendly little guy but right now it's a difficult road - though he seems to progress a little more each day. In my attempts to see what the hell a dog does all day (and to make sure he isn't barking his head off) I set up a web stream with the help of my uber-tech friend Adam. If you care to take a look check it out here: It works best in IE 7 or via Windows Media Player. The process of setting it up was definitely informative and it makes me wonder what else people could be doing with web cams in the communications/business industry. Nurseries and dog day cares have started to install them to allow doting parents to watch every second of their kids' lives. Why doesn't every local restaurant or coffee shop have a stream set up so you can monitor the line? Why can't my local oil change shop set one up so i can see when my car is being worked on and when it's done? Maybe nobody would care, but in this age of information I bet plenty of people would watch.

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