The glint of the refrigerator light sneaking through the gap as you open the door. Searching, searching, searching for that delicious pile of meat, bread, cheese, lettuce, tomato, mustard and onion you begin to become frantic as you can't find it.
Suddenly, a light goes on in your head!
"I bet some son-of-a-bitch ate my sandwich! Some disrespectful a-hole decided he/she was soooo hungry that they couldn't walk across the street and get their own sandwich. And since mine was in here for a WHOLE DAY, of course I didn't want it. Why would I want a DAY OLD sandwich? I mean eww right. Except that I did want it. And I want to eat MY GODDAMN SANDWICH RIGHT NOW! But I can't because your lazy ass couldn't get his/her own food."
No more my friends. No more.
Some genius has done an exemplary job of new product development. Someone who has been on the front lines of the no-lunch-in-the-fridge battle. It's a sandwich bag - with what appears as mold printed on the outside.
That's right, camo for your submarine. Personally, I think it's genius. A simple idea with the power to change interoffice dynamics.
Check out the Anti-Theft Lunch Bag. Order it.
Your only problem no
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